Water recirculation system
for a reuse rate of 98.8%
95% of
solid waste recycled
More efficient water
and energy consumption

A steel processing plant with a smaller environmental footprint
When it acquired a site in São Francisco do Sul, in southern Brazil, during the early 2000s, Arcelor Mittal – the world’s largest steel producer – was hoping not only to expand its production capacity, but also to build a plant that would serve as a model in terms of respect for the environment. The group aimed to continue focusing on its chosen field of excellence, steel processing, while joining forces with an international expert in environmental solutions. For this, they decided to work with Veolia.
A unique approach
Veolia created CLE Brasil, an ad-hoc subsidiary that brings together its full range of expertise in waste, water and energy management, and hired a workforce of 60 employees from the local community to handle its array of services for Arcelor Mittal. The name CLE is in honour of the first French ship to visit São Francisco do Sul, the Consortium L’Espoir, which landed in 1504.
Veolia managed the project’s financing and construction and currently operates all of the site’s multi-utility installations (complete water cycle, waste treatment, wastewater treatment, industrial gas, electricity and more) on behalf of Arcelor Mittal. The facility boasts ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification. Security issues are also at the heart of Veolia’s operations, and the CLE has not reported any accidents since its creation.
Benefits for our client
- More efficient water and energy consumption
- Respect for local biodiversity
- Physical-chemical and biological treatment to reduce the impact on the environment
- Collaboration with community businesses
- Economic efficiency
Our Solutions in Energy, Water and Waste
Veolia is uniquely positioned to service industry, government and commercial entities in improving performance, managing water, waste and energy.