Estelle Brachlianoff: Success is the battle we dare to fight
Estelle Brachlianoff: Success is the battle we dare to fight
Find out how Veolia employees have confronted the increasing environmental challenges over the past two years and preserved, regenerated our resources and decarbonized our lifestyles and production methods. Behind Estelle Brachlianoff, their CEO, we discover the strength and spirit of this optimistic group, determined to accelerate the ecological transformation, in this film dedicated to them.

89 % of the world's population is convinced that climate change is happening
89 % of the world's population is convinced that climate change is happening
GREEN UP: Veolia's new Strategic Program for 2024 - 2027
GREEN UP: Veolia's new Strategic Program for 2024 - 2027
The Group's objective: greening and becoming the missing link in ecological transformation.


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